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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221342-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1951
Country: USA
Location: Desert Rock,FrenchMAn flat,Nevada
TC Begins: 17:10:54
TC Ends: 17:18:48
Duration: 00:07:54
Atomic Energy Commission, AEC, Desert Rock Army Troop Preparations, Oct51 Slate 01Nov Desert Rock. Soldier walking across desert w/ geiger counter; group of troops walking across desert past camera w/ rifles. Jack rabbit runs up. Men walk past wrecked structure. 17:12:01 Army truck convoy w/ lights on past camera on paved road. Helicopter flying in background. MP directs trucks off road; pan to assembly area. Three medic trucks visible. Several squads (?) of troops marching across desert, wave hats. Slate 27Oct51 Desert Rock CU feet marching on sandy desert. Jeep on highway & on dirt road w/ soldier standing. Convoy of trucks of troops toward & past camera along graded sand. Men out of trucks w/ ponchos, some w/ geiger counters, small packs. Line up across desert. Marching away. Past camera. 17:17:30 MS Officer speaking to them from on hood of truck. 17:17:56 Slate: 31Oct51 Desert Rock Soldiers issued radiation monitoring tags or cards. Clerk registering them. Radiation Testing; Cold War; 1950s; Human Research;