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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221342-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: USA
Location: Desert Rock,FrenchMAn flat,Nevada
TC Begins: 17:38:59
TC Ends: 17:44:36
Duration: 00:05:37
Atomic Energy Commission, AEC, Interviews After Blast, Camp Desert Rock, 01Nov51 Clapper board & MP (Sgt Howard Lee, St. Paul, MN) & Black (Sgt. Clarence J. Virginia, P?, Arizona) interviewed by announcer as to what he’s doing at Camp Desert Rock. They show the film badge that shows amount of radiation received. They were in forward trenches “ground shook like an earthquake & big flash of light”. “I expected more than what it was.” Talk about hearing debris flying above the trenches. “What do you think about training troops in atomic warfare” “Its an excellent thing...” Talks about helicopters flying men up from forward trenches for interviews. 17:41:57 Sgt Weaver, Columbus, Georgia interviewed. He thought it was more than he expected. “...being the closest anyone has been to the bomb.” Asked if he’d had training before & he said no. “Mother earth still the best weapon against atomic weapons.” Guy tries to describe the colors of the blast he’d seen. Asked about training about atomic weapons he says: “most of the soldiers are afraid of its a good thing.” Radiation Testing; Cold War; 1950s; Human Research; Opinions; Atomic Safety;