Atomic Energy Commission, AEC, Public Relation Activity, Operation Upshot-Knothole, 16-17Mar53
Two story house, #2, constructed for blast, car nearby & small trees. Static shots.
17:45:56 Four-Star Gen. John R. Hodge w/ two unid. civilians, man military & civilian buses behind. CU of Hodge. Congressmen k& others pose in Las Vegas, some speak into mic (MOS).
17:47:03 Auditorium w/ large group of men & women civilians listening. Pan over faces.
17:47:35 Atomic blast & cloud rising but goes dark.
17:48:10 Tall spindly cloud in sky & tilt down to base in early morning light. Seated men silhouetted.
17:48:42 Reporters at table. Reporters & others on “News Nob” on hillside w/ tripods & camera cases. Reporters seated at table. Sign: Department of Defense Information & Governor Earl Warren standing close by, talking w/ military VIP. Pan over group.
17:49:49 CU Sign: This is News Nob where on April 22, 1952 the American Press & Radio first covered & the nation first viewed by the medium of television the firing of a nuclear device known as Operation Big Shot. Small helicopters landing & Gen. Hodge walking being interviewed. Others soldiers talk w/ newsmen (all MOS). Large helicopter arrives .
17:50:59 Two communication trucks, military sending news stories (?) for press. Soldier at teletype machine, others on phones.
17:52:08 Slate: 16Mar53 Light helicopter lifting & hovering, moving low over sagebrush & man w/ geiger counter out door. Several shots.
17:53:31 Slate: 17Mart53 Man walking w/ geiger counter towards House #2 checking for radiation; wearing breathing mask. MCU of tank covered in dust, man approaches w/ geiger counter & circles it. MCU w/ breathing apparatus. Checking coveralls & boots of man beside pickup truck; checking wheels of pickup.
Radiation Testing; Cold War; 1950s; Human Research; Atomic Safety;
Atomic Energy Commission, AEC, Public Relation Activity, Operation Upshot-Knothole, 16-17Mar53 Two story house, #2, constructed for blast, car nearby & small trees. Static shots. 17:45:56 Four-Star Gen. John R. Hodge w/ two unid. civilians, man military & civilian buses behind. CU of Hodge. Congressmen k& others pose in Las Vegas, some speak into mic (MOS). 17:47:03 Auditorium w/ large group of men & women civilians listening. Pan over faces. 17:47:35 Atomic blast & cloud rising but goes dark. 17:48:10 Tall spindly cloud in sky & tilt down to base in early morning light. Seated men silhouetted. 17:48:42 Reporters at table. Reporters & others on “News Nob” on hillside w/ tripods & camera cases. Reporters seated at table. Sign: Department of Defense Information & Governor Earl Warren standing close by, talking w/ military VIP. Pan over group. 17:49:49 CU Sign: This is News Nob where on April 22, 1952 the American Press & Radio first covered & the nation first viewed by the medium of television the firing of a nuclear device known as Operation Big Shot. Small helicopters landing & Gen. Hodge walking being interviewed. Others soldiers talk w/ newsmen (all MOS). Large helicopter arrives . 17:50:59 Two communication trucks, military sending news stories (?) for press. Soldier at teletype machine, others on phones. 17:52:08 Slate: 16Mar53 Light helicopter lifting & hovering, moving low over sagebrush & man w/ geiger counter out door. Several shots. 17:53:31 Slate: 17Mart53 Man walking w/ geiger counter towards House #2 checking for radiation; wearing breathing mask. MCU of tank covered in dust, man approaches w/ geiger counter & circles it. MCU w/ breathing apparatus. Checking coveralls & boots of man beside pickup truck; checking wheels of pickup. Radiation Testing; Cold War; 1950s; Human Research; Atomic Safety;