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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221342-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1951
Country: USA
Location: Desert Rock,FrenchMAn flat,Nevada
TC Begins: 17:18:59
TC Ends: 17:29:44
Duration: 00:10:45
Atomic Energy Commission, AEC, Troop Activity & Leaving Test Site After Blast, 01Nov51 Convoy of army trucks w/ trooops past camera on desert highway. POV from truck following others. Pulling into assembly area. CU of MP directing traffic. 17:20:10 Slate 01Nov51 Troops walking to sandbagged area, looking at water tank in revetment. Generals & officers talking. Troops w/ rifles & geiger counters walking across desert. Soldiers gather at assembly area & turn in radiation badges; MCU soldier sweeping dust off boots & being checked w/ geiger counter on clothes & head; more sweeping of clothes. 17:22:34 Pen w/ sheep; trench w/ wooden supported walls; boxes of rations; men measuring covered pit. Overturned tables & debris from blast effect. 17:23:46 Heavy dust cloud seen beyond massed troop, empty army trucks. Wind blowing past sandbagged revetement & fire burning ?? by water tank. Men in protective gear walk into area, look at fire & take notes. 17:25:00 Slate: 01Nov Troops marching across desert; inspect sandbags, jeep & bunker-like position; tanks parked w/ soldiers inspecting & standing around. 17:26:13 Geiger counter used to check clothes & boots. Sweeping off clothes w/ broom. More geiger counter checking before troops board trucks. Convoy leaves thru dust. 17:27:27 Slate: 31Oct Desert Rock Trooops receiving rations in mess kits in chow line; sitting & eating 17:28:39 Slate 01Nov51 Officers standing arouknd talking, waiting. Men inspect sheep in pen, Army veterinarian takes blood sample from sheep. MS of sheep w/ dye marking. Radiation Testing; Cold War; 1950s; Human Research;