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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221539-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
Location: California
TC Begins: 00:55:28
TC Ends: 00:58:42
Duration: 00:03:14
Atomic Scientists Lawrence & Seaborg at University of California Laboratory Ernest Lawrence w/ others looking at large valve (?); photographers. CU of Glenn Seaborg holding photograph of ?; newsmen seated, listening & looking at press handouts. 00:55:50 Lawrence leading Seaborg down steps thru gate w/ sign: Danger Radiation. CU sign. At railing looking down on workmen on floor. 00:56:04 Lawrence & Seaborg in atomic control room w/ oscilloscopes. CUs, w/ newsmen. 00:56:25 View of cyclotron (?) & walking above; details of gages, valves, Talking w/ newsmen & gesturing to demonstrate collision of particles. Photographers. 00:57:53 Man explaining ??. Sign: Danger radiation. 00:58:33 Seaborg holding still photograph. 00:58:35 Guard post at entrance to University of California Berkeley or Livermore Laboratory Nobel Prize Winners; Inventions; Inventors; Nuclear; Atom Smasher; Physicists; Reporters; NOTE: Lawrence died 27Aug58.