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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221527-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1970s
Country: Canada,USA
Location: Ashtabula,Fernald,New Brunswick,New Jersey,OAK RIDGE,Ohio,Tennessee
TC Begins: 04:43:39
TC Ends: 04:52:09
Duration: 00:08:30
The Story of Oak Ridge Operations Pt. 2 of 3 Draftsmen working w/ engineers; machinists; welders training. 04:44:00 Ext. of Fernald, Ohio plant of National Lead Company. Int. w/ uranium concentrate, thorium oxide. Uranium being machined or rolled. w/ coolant making fuel cores. Ashtabula, Ohio plant w/ billets into press to extrude for fuel cores. 04:45:21 Man using robotic hands at analytic laboratory, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Men & women working at machines, chemical laboratory, computers, analyzing. Researching techniques. Plutonium laboratory w/ hot cells & manipulating robotic hands. 04:46:37 Research & development at Oak Ridge National Laboratory run by Union Carbide. Scientists, engineers, doing various atomic studies, reactor development, radioactive disposal. View in nuclear reactor atomic pool. Pan along line of men w/ robotic hands working. Man working w/ large gloves behind glass. 04:48:18 Nuclear power reactor & 75 foot linear particle accelerator. Man using light pencil to communicate w/ computer. Man at control panel of experimental fusion reactor under construction. (?). 04:49:36 Technician doing biological studies w/ white mice, man studying DNA & RNA w/ models. Man w/ ultra high speed centrifuge, begins it & view of spinning zonal centrifuge. Clinical body fluid analyzer GEMSAEC w/ operators. 04:51:22 Men measuring pollution from plant & thermal discharge of power plants. Men on barge outside coal fired plant. Promotional Film; Government Film; Atomic Power Plants; Industry; Manufacturing; High Technology; Workers;