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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221328-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960
Country: Azerbaijan,Finland,Italy,Russia,Tajikistan,USSR
Location: Azerbaijan,Moscow,Tajikistan
TC Begins: 09:30:58
TC Ends: 09:41:45
Duration: 00:10:47
Russian News of the Day 1960 #48 November Ext. USSR Kremlin, int. Brezhnev meets president of Finland Kekkonen, shake hands, photographers take pictures, delegation at meeting table, CU Brezhnev smiles. Khrushchev meets Kekkonen, shake hands, pictures, all at table, smile. Shots of newspaper headlines - “Friendship w/ Finland is getting stronger”. 09:32:14 ‘First in USSR’. Azerbaijan LS HES construction site, CU ext., new power generating machinery operated w/ just 2 workers, int., man near automatic machines, man in control room w/ big control panel, shots of power lines, high angle near by town. 09:33:07 ‘In Tolstoy’s Memory’. Int. Ornate Bolshoi theater hall & memorial meeting;Tolstoy portrait on stage, audience, CU Tolstoy’s grandsons w/ long beards seated on stage. Soviet leaders w/ Brezhnev, Khrushchev, Mikoyan in audience at balcony, high angle audience. Writer Leonid Leonov on podium. Archival film of Tolstoy on bench in countryside, writes, saws wood, w/ his wife(?) walks towards camera. 09:34:08 Tajikistan cotton harvest, workers hand pick cotton, workers meeting in the field, woman Umarova picks up diploma of working hero, she explains how the combine works to others, applause. Umarova drives combine through cotton field, LS combine. 09:35:00 American artist Rockwell Kent art exhibition in Moscow, people queue outside building, Kent cuts ribbon to open, applause, people enter gallery, look at paintings, CU art pieces. 09:36:00 Peruvian singer Yma Sumac at piano w/ her family, singer speaks on camera (SOF) w/ Russian translation over), very high angle stage, Yma Sumac sings ‘Hymn for the Sun’ (SOF), song’s composer next to her plays guitar, CU singer, audience applause. 09:37:19 Sport. Moscow boxing competition between Polish & Soviet army teams, exchange gifts, various shots of fights. knockout, high angle boxing arena. CU hitting gong. 09:38:17 ‘Abroad’. Italy, New apartment blocks that working people can afford. Palermo, Sicily poor living conditions, slums, narrow streets between overloaded apartment blocks, high angle hut like apartments, CU children. Street scene, Communist election posters, huge crowds applaud Italian communist party delegates, who walk through crowds. Communist leader Palmiro Togliatti on podium, speaker from various angles, shots of huge audience crowd, applause. 09:39:18 ‘Ukrainian Culture celebrations’. Ext. Bolshoi theater lighted up, high angle big hall, people applaud entering guests w/ Khrushchev in the front, high angle audience. Young girls w/ gloves run on the stage, applause, shots of various folk dance performances from various angles. CU huge statue of Lenin & big Soviet flag behind the chorus singers, audience applaud. Soviet VIPs in first row applaud, Khrushchev & Podgorny shout out - Hurray to Soviet Union, Ukraine & Communist party, high angle VIPs presented w/ cake, LS stage. 1960; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.