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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221329-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1963
Country: Russia,USA,USSR
Location: Alabama,Birmingham,Moscow
TC Begins: 11:00:07
TC Ends: 11:10:21
Duration: 00:10:14
Russian News of the Day 1963 #39 September ‘Khruschev in Cubana’ CU road sign to rice growing collective farm, big field, irrigation dam & canal, rice harvest, CU combines cut crop, collect rice grain. Rice poured into big outside storage piles. CU smiling workers, man moves grain w/ shovel. K. w/ farmers walks, looks at rice straw, shake hands w/ workers, talks w/ female. Collective farm central house, farms oldest blacksmith presents K. w/ traditional greeting bread & salt, crowd watches, man holds huge bread in front of K. who laughs, tries the bread, K. & Chairman Voronov on podium, K. waves hat & speaks to people, applause, shot of crowd. K. leaves in open car. 11:02:05 ‘In The Interest of All Nations’ 25Sep LS Kremlin. Meeting of CPSU CC for Moscow ratification agreement; Brezhnev at table head, CU Brezhnev, deputy foreign minister Kuzhnecov on podium, delegates at meeting table. Brezhnev reads proposal forbidding use of nuclear weapons, delegates vote in favor & applaud. Brezhnev signs agreement, delegates shake Brezhnev’s hand, all smile. 11:03:23 People on street, read newspaper article of Soviet announcement against China. Factory worker on camera (SOF) says all USSR people are disgusted w/ Chinese government’s actions & give their support to the Chinese people. Machinery workers gather at table, listen to man reading newspaper (SOF) letter from Chinese specialist who was studying in their factory. It says he will never forget USSR’s brotherly kindness, woman says (SOF) that the truth will come out sooner or later. 11:04:30 Tataria, LS oil drilling derrick in woods, workers drilling & placing pipe. CU workers, shots of drill. Tractors pull derrick to new site. 11:05:35 LS Moscow’s State University, CU French artist Frederick Lounguet - grandson of Karl Marx, paints LS of state university, shot of cars on road. CU name plate of Marx - Engels museum, F. Longuet sits at table w/ museum workers, CU various museum staff. Marks & Engels personal belongings. Longuet give his grandfather’s photo collection to them, people look at photographs, CU pictures of Marx, his wife, oldest daughter Jenny & son-in-law, daughter Laura, friend Elizabeth Tomanovskaya. Longuet w/ others at table, ext. people in the museum yard, gates. 11:07:04 Meeting of art conservationists in meeting hall; looking at various restored paintings in the gallery. Group in workshop of restoration specialist, artist Leonid Ilhcin, CU, looking at paintings displayed on table as artist explains the restoration process. 11:07:56 ‘Abroad’ Birmingham, Alabama, crowd into church, funeral of 4 black girls killed in racial bomb attack on church, coffin out of church, photographers, distraught grieving mother, young boy’s carry coffin.. 11:09:00 ‘Basketball USSR - France’, Moscow, Soviet & French teams line up opposite each other, applaud, exchange souvenirs, various shots of game, spectators applaud, CU score board France - 45. USSR -71, applause. The End Civil Rights; Assassination; Bombing; USA South;