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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221165-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1972,1970s
Country: Germany,Kazakhstan,Russia,Tadjikistan,Tajikistan,USSR
Location: Bonn,Moscow,nurek
TC Begins: 07:30:08
TC Ends: 07:40:40
Duration: 00:10:32
Russian News of the Day 1972 #20 May Moscow airport. US & USSR flags on flag pole. Air Force One lands, crowds gather to greet President Nixon on official visit to USSR. Soviet VIPs w/ Kosygin, Podgorny & Gromyko walk toward plane. High angle of aircraft, Nixon & wife off plane, shake hands w/ USSR VIPs, Nixon w/ Podgorny walks past army delegation, shake hands w/ people from crowd. CU of NBC film camera. Military Honor Guard marching past VIPs. Escorted by police, Nixon driven thru streets of Moscow, people on roadsides. 07:32:01 High angle Kremlin, government leaders w/ Brezhnev, Kosygin, Podgorny & Gromyko enter hall, meet w/ Nixon, Kissinger, Rogers & other US delegates, all shake hands. Big line of reporters, photographers w/ cameras. VIPs sit down around big table. (SALT 1 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) 07:33:01 18May71, Kremlin. Pioneers 50th anniversary celebration meeting. Standing applause, government leaders on stage as Pioneers enter hall. Podgorny on podium, presents Pioneer flag w/ 2nd Lenin prize, all children cheer - thank you, applaud. Young Pioneer makes speech (SOF), gives oath to follow in steps of Communist Party & love USSR - all Pioneers join in. High angle of hall. Celebration parade on Red Square in sunshine, Pioneers march w/ posters, flags, give flowers to VIPs, high angle of big parade. 07:35:09 Tadzhikistan / Nurek, big mountains, huge dam construction, high angle of building site, water pouring out cylinder, close up of builders, men weld, look at building plans. CU of workers. Construction planning office, men work on plans. Factory workers producing huge dam construction parts. Turbines. High angle of construction site. 07:36:51 Kazakhstan, ore production mining site, high building, inside various machinery, lift goes under ground. Men work w/ big machinery in mine, close shot of worker. Man controls coal mining machine. Woman operator in automatic control room, all sorts of machinery. Big containers w/ ore raised & dumped. 07:38:23 Spring, men walk thru blossoming apple orchard. Farm leader walks thru field towards men checking new automatic planter; planting, high angle of tractor in field & men working. 07:39:24 Federal Republic of Germany, Bundestag meeting hall. Chancellor Willi Brandt on podium ask deputies to vote in favor of Moscow's & Warsaw's agreement. High angle meeting hall, people w/ boxes in hands walk around hall & collect votes, various shots of members talking, all applaud (incl Franz-Josef Strauss & Ludwig Erhard) as deputy announces that vote is in favor. Diplomacy; Youth Group; Hydroelectric Power Construction; DDR; 1970s;