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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250043-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: England,Korea,United Kingdom,USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 12:23:30
TC Ends: 12:25:27
Duration: 00:01:57
Korean Crisis - Attlee In U.S. As Chinese Reds Force Allies Back. Truman, Acheson & ?? greeting Clement Attlee in Washington DC; shake hands, pose. Newsreel cameramen. Attlee makes statement, SOF: “My aims in these talks is to align our policies in the new & troubled situation in the world & to find the means to upholding what we both know to be right.” All walk off. swish pan to... 12:24:22 View thru destroyed village; tank firing machine guns seen from ditch alongside road to cover retreat. Men laying in ditch help wounded. Wounded on stretchers carried. 12:25:00 Jeeps crossing low wooden bridge over wide river w/ guards alongside. CU Released GI POWs w/ tags; wrapped feet into ambulance. Korean War; 1950; Fighting; American Prisoners of War; Cold War; Anti-Communist;