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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220515-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1956
Country: Cyprus,Egypt,France
Location: Marseilles,Mediterranean,Suez Canal
TC Begins: 08:15:15
TC Ends: 08:17:42
Duration: 00:02:27
1956 - Egypt: War in Egypt - British and French Bomb its Key Cities. Oct56 08:15:22 Suez Canal mouth w/ ferries, ships; line of ships in canal. President Nasser w/ reporters. 08:15:39 French units embarking at Marseilles; 08:15;50 British troops board planes for Cyprus. British navy ships in Eastern Mediterranean. British war planes overhead; British bombers w/ missiles 08:16:26 White House, ext. Int. President Eisenhower & Secretary of State John foster Dulles talking at desk. 08:16:39 Photographers & Ike speech (SOF) declaring no US involvement in conflict & hope that the matter will to be brought before United Nation General Assembly to bypass possibility of veto. 08:17:33 Exterior UN building. Inside UN assembly. Suez Crisis; Oct56; 1956; Cold War; NOTE: All footage until Eisenhower from previously released newsreel stories.