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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221681-12
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1956
Country: USA
Location: DC,Suez Related,Washington
TC Begins: 20:54:27
TC Ends: 20:55:21
Duration: 00:00:54
1956 - Eisenhower On Going To War Only With Congress Declaration, 11Sep56 Reports standing, Eisenhower into White House press room w/ James Haggarty. SOF: “I have no special announcements ladies & gentlemen.“ MCU reporter typing. 20:54:40 Unseen reporter: “I’d like to ask you sir if you think its going to be a close election?” Ike: “As you know this country will not go to war, ever, while I occupy my present post, unless the Congress is called into session and Congress declares such a war. And the only exception to that would be in the case of unexpected & unwarranted attack on this nation where self-defense itself would dictate some quick response, while you call Congress into action. So as far as going into any kind of military action in present conditions - of course we’re not!” Suez Crises; Middle East; 1956;