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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250070-50
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1956
Country: USA
Location: California,DC,Washington
TC Begins: 19:13:36
TC Ends: 19:16:50
Duration: 00:03:14
1956 - President Eisenhower: Campaigning; Talking Seriously With John Foster Dulles President Eisenhower Presidential plane arriving; Ike & Mamie down stairs, greeted by receiving line, Mamie w/ bouquet; crowd waving, scattered placards for Ike. 19:14:36 Ike to podium, speaking (MOS). Riding in open convertible w/ police escort down palm tree lined street waving to crowds on sidewalks, POV from alongside. 19:15:30 Walking w/ crowd up steps; MCU of many kids w/ signs. 19:15:53 Night or dark interior w/ seated applauding crowd w/ placards. 19:16:07 Black. 19:16:14 Ike & John Foster Dulles in office talking, look very serious. Ext. White House. Int. more talking. Still photographers w/ cameras on tripods; newsreel camera filming Dulles & Ike talking. 19:16:37 Night. White House lighted from outside. 19:16:48 Ike & Dulles. California; Diplomacy;