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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250074-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1957
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 02:09:53
TC Ends: 02:12:14
Duration: 00:02:21
1957 - President Eisenhower’s 123rd Press Conference & statement re Satellites. 09Oct57 Pt. 3 of 3 02:09:53 Elizabeth S. Carpenter, Arkansas Gazette: “Mr. President, from all the reports & information which has come to you during this Little Rock school crisis, is it your feeling that Central High School could have been peacefully integrated if Governor Faubus had not called out the Guard in the first place?” 02:10:10 Ike: jump to: “You do have this: at other points in Arkansas, integration took place, beginnings at integration particularly took place, without any disturbance whatsoever. I don't know of any particular reason why this one should have been different.” Jumps to... 02:10:27 Hazel Markel, NBC: Mr. President, in light of the great faith that the American people have in your military knowledge & leadership, are you saying at this time that w/ the Russian satellite whirling about the world, you are not more concerned nor overly concerned about our Nation's security?” Jumps to... 02:10:53 “as the satellite itself is concerned, that doesn’t raise my apprehensions, not one iota.” Jumps to... 02:11:00 “Robert E. Clark, INS: Can you tell us more about the satellite you say we plan to launch in December? Will this be the initial sphere that would weigh only a few pounds, & would not contain any recording instruments?” 02:11:13 Ike: jump to: “The plan is, the first one that goes up, is just merely to let it orbit, checking your speeds, your directions, your equipment & everything else; & the next one - you see, the equipment that goes into these things is a very expensive - it is the most delicate machinery, and in that equipment itself is involved some of the latest scientific discoveries that we have. Now, the satellite, the mere fact that this thing orbits involves no new discovery to science. They know it could be done - at least they say so, and they have for a long time - so that is no new discovery, so in itself it imposes no additional threat to the United States.” 22:11:54 jumps to Ike leaving room & reporters getting up & leaving. The End. Space Race; Cold War; 1950s; Science; Scientific Rational; Cutaways of Reporters, Stenotype Machine; Manual Recording; Reporters Listening; Note: This film record only contains what is listed. If desired all three parts (02:00:01 - 02;12:14) sold as a single reel.