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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250212-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960s,1960
Country: Chile,USA,USSR
Location: California,Cape Canaveral Florida,Hawaii,Hilo,New York City,South America,United Nations
TC Begins: 20:27:04
TC Ends: 20:33:09
Duration: 00:06:05
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1960 - Newsreel: Chile Earthquake, Tidal Wave; Sentry Satellite; Open Sky Plan; Embassy Spying Title: Cataclysm - Volcano, Tidal Waves Devastate Pacific Area. Aerial over city on coast; CU building destruction; people looking, moving car from collapsed garage. Refugees in bed & making outdoor bed by open fire. CU children & others. 20:27:43 People walking over collapsed bridge. 20:27:51 Coast w/ destroyed buildings from tidal waves on Pacific islands. Hilo Hawaii. 20:28:17 California coast from boat w/ sunken boats inspected. 20:28:46 Title: Sentry Satellite - 5,000 Pound Missile Spotter In Orbit. Low angle of Atlas missile; MCU technicians at base; gantry pulling away. 20:29:05 LS firing & lift-off & tracking. 20:29:37 Title: Open sky Plan - Ike Offers U.N. U.S. Photo Planes. President Eisenhower w/ large photographs; CU of San Diego North Island Naval Air Station from 70,000 ft showing parking lot marking lines. Suggests United Nations use the planes & technique. Still photographers, newsreel cameramen filming Ike at desk, 25May60: SOF: “First, we must keep up our strength & hold it steady for the long course, a strength not neglected in complacency nor overbuilt in hysteria. In so doing we can make it clear to everyone that there can be no gain in the use of pressure tactics or aggression against us & our allies. Second, we must continue businesslike dealings w/ the Soviet leaders on outstanding issues & improve the contacts between our own & the Soviet peoples. making clear that the path of reason & common sense is still open if the Soviets will but use it. Third, to improve World conditions in which human freedom can flourish, we must continue to move ahead w/ positive programs at home & abroad in collaboration w/ free nations everywhere. In these ways we will continue to give our strong support to the United Nations & the great principles for which it stands. 20:31:47 Title: U.N. Spy Debate - Reds “Bugged” American Embassy Lodge Claims. United Nations ext w/ flags in breeze & building. Int. Security Council meeting. MCU Ambassador Lodge, Gromyko. Lodge w/ Embassy wooden seal, opens it & lifts out microphone, SOF: “Here is the clandestine listening device, you can see the antenna & aerial. It was right under the beak of the eagle. I might add that its an interesting device.” Pan delegates. Delegates standing to leave. Cold War; 1960s; Natural Disasters; Space Program; Bugging; Reconnaissance Photography; NOTE: Any portion or entire sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: