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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300339-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s,1957
Country: Belgium,Canada,France,Greece,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Athens,Europe,London,New York City,NYC,Paris
TC Begins: 01:00:10
TC Ends: 01:07:53
Duration: 00:07:43
Cold War Documentary, 1950s - USA: NATO history, 1957 Conference Meeting 17Dec57 Conference meeting of NATO, delegates entering grounds of SHAPE outside Paris; motorcade of President Eisenhower, crowd lining road waving. Ike reviewing troops; speaking: “Frankly I came out here because of a special kind of sickness, one that afflicts the aged & the young: homesickness. I was homesick to see this home that was built for SACEUR and his staff, an agency of NATO. This home was built by a great number of nations to be the headquarters of that military shield that must always belong to NATO so long as there is any menace to the freedom of the western nations.” 01:01:51 Ext. Palais de Chaillot. Delegates of 15 member states arriving for conference exit cars; enter hall & sit around circular table w/ NATO symbol on center, delegations ringing table behind. Delegates talk (MOS) & listen. 01:04:07 16Dec57. Eisenhower at table speaks, SOF: “We have demonstrated a will for the spreading of the blessings of Liberty. Within the last fifteen years our nations have freely granted political independence to 20 countries with populations totaling 800 million people. Within our societies we manifest, so that all can see, the good fruits of freedom. Those fruits do not consist of materialistic monuments, which despots have always have been able to exhibit. They consist of providing the simple things all men want - the opportunity to think and worship as their conscience and reason dictate; to live in their homes without fear; to draw together in the intimacies of family life; to work in congenial tasks of their own choice, and to enjoy the fruits of their labor. These are the most precious manifestations of freedom. And we have the collective power to defend and spread that freedom. Freedom has not failed us! Surely, we shall not fail freedom!” 01:05:16 Delegates standing, mingling & shaking hands w/ Ike. 01:05:33 NATO flags; scenic views of Eiffel tower from Conference building seen thru fountain spray; statues; fountains & building from street. 01;06:02 Montage: Horse team plowing field; skyline of London’s Parliament buildings above Thames River; Paris traffic; New York City aerial; Montreal ; Athens & other cities of member countries. Crowded pedestrians; sidewalk cafe; guns on naval ship. 01:06:59 M/Sgt Stuart Queen speaking to camera: “...Edward R. Murrow telling the story of NATO...” Closing credits. North Atlantic Military Alliance; Post-WW2; US Anti-Communist Propaganda; North Atlantic Treaty Organization Founding; Anti-Communism;