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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221203-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1953
Country: USA
TC Begins: 14:31:53
TC Ends: 14:33:02
Duration: 00:01:09
McCarthy Replies - Calls U.S. Communism Root Of All Our Ills (26Nov53) Hearing room, attorney & witness (bald w/ glasses) enter. Committee at table intercut w/ CU of witness. MCU of Cohen, McCarthy & ?? w/ Cohen questioning. 14:32:17 McCarthy in front of three mics reads statement: “A few days ago I read that President Eisenhower expressed the hope that by election time in 1954 the subject of Communism would be a dead & forgotten issue. The raw, harsh, unpleasant fact is that Communism is an issue; and will be an issue in 1954. Truman’s diatribe against those who expose Communists is the best proof of that. We should remember that practically every issue which we face today from high taxes to the shameful mess in Korea is inextricably interwoven with the Communist issue.” Anti-communism; McCarthyism; 1953;