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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221531-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1948
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 10:00:53
TC Ends: 10:06:21
Duration: 00:05:28
NYC Inauguration Ceremonies, Twentieth Century Limited, Sep48 POV forward along tracks in MCU, sunny day. Approaching signal. 10:01:06 Pullman passenger cars & New York Central streamliner alongside moving along Hudson river. CU wheels. Runby away from camera from along tracks w/ photographers visible. 10:02:00 Overhead from bridge of streamliner approaching & passing under. Also leaving. 10:02:20 Int. of car w/ model in towel closing shower curtain in club car; repeat in CU. Drying. 10:02:55 Man dictating, male secretary typing on manual typewriter in club car. 10:03:11 CUS White male barber gesturing to come in. Woman given hair cut in club car. 10:03:23 Black waiter serving drinks in club car lounge. Black waiter serving business men dinner; couple into upper & lower berths. Woman turns off light. 10:04:06 Gustav Metzman, president of New York Central Railroad speaking (MOS) at NYC radio station microphones; Mayer O’Dwyer at mics beside 20th Century Limited logo. 10:04:33 Miss Lillie beside Metzman w/ bottle of various rivers & lakes enroute to Chicago. Actual breaking not seen. Dwight Eisenhower w/ Lillie & O’Dwyer beside train. Journalists on platform. 10:05:07 Man on phone in train; people in dining car being served. Eisenhower (MOS) at microphones. 10:05:28 Brief on board scenes of waiters. POV of train. MS of Eisenhower at mics. 10:05:53 Runbys. View of moving train. Promotion; Advertising; Models; Public Relations; PR;