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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220683-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940
Country: USA
TC Begins: 20:56:56
TC Ends: 21:07:16
Duration: 00:10:20
Eleanor Roosevelt Addresses Round Table 26Nov40 Catt introducing Eleanor Roosevelt at table in front of room, to applause. MCU speaking re thinking of objectives of next 100 years & how to bring about a civilized & peaceful world. Another woman at mic. Well-dressed women registering. 20:59:59 Woman at mic re homemaker, have we allowed tradition to play too important a role in homemaking role...? Shots of other women talking to group, or asking questions of panel. 21:02:24 Historical pageant 'Listing Grievances of 1848'. Women in costume; discuss Bill of Rights and need for women to make use of them. Oberlin College as educating women; need for women physicians. Emancipation Women’s Rights