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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221683-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s,1930s
Country: USA
Location: albany,DC,New York,Washington
TC Begins: 01:07:11
TC Ends: 01:10:50
Duration: 00:03:39
1920s & 1930s Misc Footage For Roosevelt Campaign Film Explosion of building. 01:07:15 Men bagging flour; bags down conveyor belt. Grain down chute; large chutes mechanically shaken, man checks consistency of flour. 01:07:33 Men push up boards on gate of truck, grain dumped. 01:07:42 CU of FDR in mid 1920s, probably campaigning. 01:07:48 Men in large drydock w/ small partially cut up boats. Man using cutting torch; crane lifting top of submarine (?). CU cutting torch. Men attach cables to part of ship’s hull. Removing. 01:08:14 Men putting time cards in time clock. Line of men at pay (?) window or ?? getting check or paper. 01:08:39 Line of men & a few women entering large factory door. CU men at pay window. 01:08:57 Five combines cutting grain; large army air force planes over from below & above. 01:09:14 Large limousine w/ license plate no. 18 out of ?? w/ FDR in front passenger seat; thru residential street, Albany, New York (?). 01:09:32 Beef cattle to water trough on dry desert, drinking. Cowboy herding, cutting calf from herd. 01:10:00 Man, boy, women to bank teller window. Man counting money seen from behind. 01:10:04 Troops marching, Germany (?). Int. German train station. 01:10:12 Troops w/ gas masks clearing Bonus Army in Washington, DC park. Police arresting veterans. Troops & tear gas thru park. 01:10:35 CU feet of workers w/ lunch boxes into factory, MS of workers entering. Men & women leaving Auburn plant. Entering unid. factory gates. Depression; Strikes; Unemployment; Bank Run; Drought;