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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221680-22
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1932
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois
TC Begins: 18:59:51
TC Ends: 19:09:54
Duration: 00:10:03
1932 - Democratic Party Convention, Franklin Roosevelt Speech Includes Prohibition Roosevelt speaking at podium (SOF); “When that happens, w/ that, we as Democrats must, and will, rightly & morally enable the states to protect themselves against the importation of intoxicating liquors where such importation may violate their state law. We must rightly & morally prevent the return of the saloon!” 19:00:30 LS of announcing results of voting giving FDR 945 votes. 19:00:58 LS FDR at microphone: “ avoid all silly shutting of the eyes to the truth in this campaign.” 19:01:36 “Two year ago the platform on which I ran for governor the second time... 19:02:08 “to go back to this dry subject of finance because it all ties in together. The 18th Amendment has something to do w/ finance too. In a comprehensive planning for the reconstruction of the great credit group, including government credit I list as an important factor that fine statement of principle in the platform here adopted calling for the letting in of the light of day on issues of securities, foreign & domestic, which are offered for sale to the investing public. My friends, you & I as common sense citizens know...publicity is the enemy...” 19:03:57 “One word more. Out of every crisis, every tribulation, every disaster, mankind rises w/ some share of greater knowledge, of higher decency, of purer purpose. Today we have come thru a period of loose thinking & descending morals, an era of selfishness, of individual men & women & of whole nations. Blame not government alone for this. Blame ourselves in equal shares....many amongst us have made obeisance to mammon; that the prophets of speculation, the easy road w/o toil have lured us from the old?. To return to higher standards we must abandon the false prophets...never before in modern history have the essential differences between the two major American parties stood out in such striking contrast as they do today. Republican leaders ....have failed in National vision because in disaster they have held out no hope, they have pointed out no path for the people below to climb back to places of security & of safety in our American life....forgotten in the government of the past 12 years look to us for guidance...” 19:06:48 “On the farm, in the large metropolitan areas...millions...cherish the hope....” 19:07:26 End of speech, marching around floor to organ music. 19:07:58 Gaveled to order; then adjourned. Organ playing Anchors Away. Politics; Presidential Candidate; NBC microwave dish (?); Economics; Morality; GOOD Speech clips; Prohibition; NOTE: Held 27Jun-02Jul32