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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221791-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1936,1930s
Country: USA
Location: Hannibal,Illinois,Mississippi River,Missouri
TC Begins: 21:40:36
TC Ends: 21:48:10
Duration: 00:07:34
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1936 - President Roosevelt: Dedication of Bridge, Hannibal, Missouri. 04Sep36 LS SOF Motorcade led by motorcycle police escort arriving past large crowd w/ band playing; FDR waving from limousine w/ flags on front. 21:41:31 LSs & pans of packed crowd watching, houses in background. 21:42:11 LS across empty new Mark Twain Memorial Bridge towards Illinois; pan to banner: Illinois Welcomes President Roosevelt above empty highway. GOOD. 21:42:32 Speakers stand w/ VIPS, applause; LS w/ FDR at lectern: SOF, “Governor Horner, Mayor, I’m glad to come back to Hannibal. Many, many years ago I made a speech here; and I’m glad to come back for many reasons. One of which I remember well that Hannibal was the home town of an old friend of mine with whom I served in the World War; a distinguished American naval officer, Admiral Coontz. (edit) pride, & with a glory in American tradition that I enjoy this happy privilege today, joining in this tribute to one who impressed himself upon the lives of youth everywhere all through the last fourscore years & ten. (edit) 21:43:44 MCU, SOF “and we’re all boys. (applause) Mark Twain and his tales still live, though the years have passed & time has wrought its changes on the Mississippi. The little white town drowsing in the sunshine of the days of Huckleberry Finn & Tom Sawyer has become the metropolis of Northeastern Missouri. (edit) 21:44:17 CU “birthplace, & the haunts of his youth is very dear to me; especially because I, myself as a boy, a younger boy than I am now, had the happy privilege of shaking hands with Mark Twain. (applause) That was a day I shall never forget. With every American boy, & every American who has ever been a boy, I thrill today at the great structure joining two great States in the commemoration of youths' immortal. (edit) 21:45:01 LS “of a changing order, a necessarily changing order. The river ferry started to go when the old railroad bridge joined Missouri & Illinois back in 1870. (edit). 21:45:23 LS “of mixed rail and vehicular traffic. The very story of the crossings of the Mississippi for a 100 years that story seems to me symbolic of the necessary changes that take place in the structure of American life. This bridge, with its three-quarters of a million dollars' outlay, stands symbolic of what can be accomplished by the cooperation of local governments & the Federal Government. Here, in this act of progress, we find the Federal Government, the City of Hannibal, the State of Missouri & the State of Illinois all joined together in coordinated action. Together they have given you this new bridge. And, my friends, working together in the days to come, they will greatly further the prosperity & convenience of the people of the United States in every part of the Nation. (end of speech). 21:46:48 LS of people watch as VIPs leave stand. 21:47:07 MOS MS FDR in limousine w/ scissors & ribbon, smiling & cutting ribbon. 21:47:24 MOS Motorcycle police leading motorcade across bridge. POV across bridge without traffic & view past sign: Leaving Missouri. Brief POV to rear. Pork barrel politics; Opening; Transportation; Depression; Infrastructure; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good picture & sound quality. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: