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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221678-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1936
Country: United Kingdom,USA
Location: Cambridge,Harvard,Massachusetts
TC Begins: 14:19:35
TC Ends: 14:32:00
Duration: 00:12:25
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1936 Harvard - 300th Anniversary Celebration w/ FDR & James Bryant Conant High angle shots of graduation procession across campus thru standing spectators w/ band music. People filing onto platform & seats to music. Umbrellas. 14:20:28 President Roosevelt seated in top hat w/o umbrella. 14:20:54 Men standing, listening to speech for honorary degrees; walk off. 14:21:31 Speaker arrives to applause, bows & onto lectern; clips of speech. Exits to applause. 14:23:59 Man acknowledges Oxford, Cambridge & University of Paris & presents plagues. 14:26:05 Hymn sung; not useful. 14:26:13 James Bryant Conant, at podium, speaks. “...absolute freedom of discussion; absolutely unmolested inquiry. (applause) We must have a spirit of tolerance which allows the expression of all opinions, no matter how heretical they may appear.” 14:27:22 Conant speaking: “...the conditions about the material & intellectual progress are the nation’s & the race. The intellectual progress of the race (?), during the coming century of academic history what gifts will the American people bring to further the restraint of bombs (?). A hundred years from today the record will be read. With humility, but w/ hope we look forward to that moment. May it then be manifest to all that the universities of this country have lead the way to new light, & may the nation give thanks that Harvard was founded.” 14:28:2? Applause. VIPs listening to end of song, applause. 14:28:50 Man announcing honorary degrees to Yale historian Charles McLean Andrews, Doctor of Letters - receives degree & walks off. 14:29:34 Two men in top hats posing w/ band playing off-screen. 14:29:45 Men onto platform w/ band playing. 14:30:42 Night, spectators watching fireworks in form of dinosaurs walking; whirling ?? circles. LS of faces w/ light flickering on them. Skyrockets fired w/ band playing - some reflected in Charles River. 14:31:47 Lighted Harvard emblem / insignia flanked w/ 1636 & 1936 Depression; 1930s; Awards; Universities; Colleges; NOTE: 14:19;35 - 14:32:30 sold at per reel rate if requested. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: