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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221768-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1937,1930s
Country: Poland
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 19:12:34
TC Ends: 19:16:45
Duration: 00:04:11
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1937 - President Roosevelt Speech: Excerpts State of the Union 06Jan37 part 2 of 2 Continued from first card: (edit) “...of the beginning of 1933. (applause) Sober second thought confirms most of us I think in the belief that the broad objectives of the National Recovery Act were sound. (applause) We know now that its difficulties arose from the fact that it tried to do too much. For example, it was unwise perhaps to expect the same agency to regulate the length of working hours, minimum wages, child labor, & collective bargaining on the one hand & the complicated questions of unfair trade practices and business controls on the other. (applause - edit) 19:13:38 “...better understanding of our purposes & a more intelligent recognition of our needs as a nation, it is not to be assumed that there will be prolonged failure to bring legislative & judicial action into closer harmony. (edit) has waned. (applause) 19:14:04 “I have recently visited three of our sister republics in South America. The very cordial receptions w/ which I was greeted were in tribute to democracy. (applause) To me the outstanding observation of that visit was that the masses of the people of all the Americas are convinced that the democratic form of government can be made to succeed & do not wish to substitute for it any other form of government. (applause) They believe that democracies are best able to cope w/ the changing problems of modern civilization within themselves, & that democracies are best able to maintain peace among themselves. The Inter-American conference (edit) rest of the world. (applause) 19:15:08 “Yes, In a very real sense, the conference in Buenos Aires sent forth a message on behalf of all the democracies of the world to those nations which live otherwise. Because such other governments are perhaps more spectacular, it was high time for democracy to assert itself. (applause - edit) 19:15:38 “...liberal and not narrow interpretation. (applause) The United States of America, within itself, must continue the task of making democracy succeed. In that task (edit) for administrative action of all kinds. (applause - edit, balance of speech not on this reel) 19:16:09 LS applause & FDR drinks water & gives speech to House Speaker or Senate President pro tem & walks off on arm of ??. Regulation; Welfare; Assistance; Depression; Presidential Address; Americana; Politics; Politician; NOTE: Entire speech on two cards 19:06:44 - 19:16:45 at per reel rate. Good b/w; sound okay. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: