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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221768-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1937,1930s
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 18:11:47
TC Ends: 18:22:37
Duration: 00:10:50
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1937 - USA, President Roosevelt: Democratic Victory Dinner. 04Mar37 James Farley, Eleanor & FDR in formal dress stand while band plays & still photographers take pictures. 18:12:20 LS of tables of VIPs w/ guests seated. MS people talking, drinking coffee. FDR talking to ??. 18:13:34 FDR at podium waving to applause, speaking: “...concerning our common problems. I speak at this victory dinner, not only as the head of the Democratic Party, but also of all Americans who have faith in political & economic democracy. 18:14:15 “The Democratic Party, once a minority party, today the majority party by the greatest majority any party ever had” (applause) and it will remain... “and whether we should celebrate in 1938, 1940 & in 1944 as we celebrate tonight, will deservedly depend upon whether the party continues on its course and solve those problems. 18:15:17 “We remember that we gave warning last November that we had only just begun to great ambition on 20Jan41 is to turn over this desk & chair to my successor...a Nation which has thus proved that the democratic form & methods of national government can and will succeed. 18:17:21 “...but economic freedom for the wage earner & the farmer & the small business man will not wait, like emancipation, for forty years. It will not wait for four years. It will not wait at all. (applause) 18:17:43 “Democracy in many lands has failed for the time being to meet human needs. People have become so fed up with futile debate & party bickering over methods that they have been willing to surrender democratic processes & principles in order to get things done. They have forgotten the lessons of history that the ultimate failures of dictatorships cost humanity far more than any temporary failures of democracy. In the United States democracy has not yet failed & does not need to fail (applause - camera edit). 18:18:33 “The Agricultural Adjustment Act testified to our full faith & confidence that the very nature of our major crops of America makes them articles of commerce between the States. The A.A.A. testified also to our full faith & confidence that the preservation of sound agriculture is essential to the general welfare - that the Congress of the United States had full constitutional authority to solve the national economic problems of the Nation's agriculture. And by overwhelming votes, the Congress thought so too! (applause) You know who assumed the power to veto & did veto that program. Camera edit. 18:19:58 (MOS) LS of guests standing, applauding. SOF: “Here too, we cannot afford, either individually or as a party, to postpone or run away from that fight on the advice of defeatist lawyers. Let them try that advice on sweating men piling sandbags on the levees in Louisville & Cairo & Memphis. (applause - camera edit) 18:20:49 “...with any reasonable certainty that what we do will not be nullified as unconstitutional. The language of the decisions already rendered & the widespread refusal to obey law incited by the attitude of the courts, create doubts & difficulties for almost everything else for which we have. promised to fight: help for the crippled, for the blind, for the mothers; insurance for the unemployed; security for the aged; protection of the consumer against monopoly & speculation; protection of the investor; the wiping out of slum; cheaper electricity for the homes & on the farms of America. (applause - camera edit) In this fight, as the lawyers themselves say, time is of the essence. (laughter & applause) In three elections during the past five years great majorities have approved what we are trying to do. To me & I am sure to you, those majorities mean that the people themselves realize the increasing urgency that we meet their needs now. Every delay (edit) Presidential Speeches; Depression; Poverty; Economics; Economy; Supreme Court; Politics; Political; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: