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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221773-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1937,1930s
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 06:00:00
TC Ends: 06:07:36
Duration: 00:07:36
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1937 - USA, President Roosevelt: Democratic Victory Dinner. 04Mar37; Hatton Sumners Comments SOF: (begins) “democratic solutions of our difficulties. As Chief Executive and as the head of the Democratic Party, I am unwilling to take those risks - to the country & to the party - of postponing one moment beyond absolute necessity the time when we can free from legal doubt those policies which offer a progressive solution of our policy (sic). (applause) 06:00:39 “Floods & droughts & agricultural surpluses, strikes & industrial confusion & disorder cannot be handled forever on a catch-as-catch-can basis. And my friends, I have another ambition (edit)” 06:01:01 “(begins) political & economic democracy. It will take courage to let our minds be bold, to find the ways to meet the current needs of the Nation. But for our Party, now as always, the counsel of courage is the counsel of wisdom (applause). If we do not have the courage to lead the American people where they want to go, someone else will. Here is one-third of a Nation: ill-nourished, ill-clad, ill-housed —now! Here are thousands upon thousands of farmers wondering whether next year's prices will meet their mortgage interest - NOW! Here are thousands upon thousands of men & women laboring for long hours in factories for inadequate pay - NOW! Here are thousands upon thousands of children who should be at school, working in mines & mills - Now! Here are strikes more far-reaching than we have ever known, costing millions of dollars - NOW! Here are Spring floods threatening to roll down again upon our river valleys - NOW! Here is the Dust Bowl beginning to blow again - NOW!” (last line missing - balance out of original sequence) 06:03:01 Cheering & applause, standing ovation. LS of audience standing at tables applauding. 06:03:44 MS SOF: “Soon thereafter the Nation was told by a judicial pronunciamento that although the Federal Government had been thus rendered powerless to touch the problem of hour & wages, the States were equally helpless; and that it pleased the "personal economic predilections" of a majority of the Court that we live in a Nation where there is no legal power anywhere to deal with its most difficult practical problems - a No Man's Land of final futility. (applause - takes drink of water) 06:04:28 CU “But I defy anyone to read the majority opinion invalidating the A.A.A. & tell us what we can do for agriculture in this session of the Congress with any reasonable certainty that what we do will not be nullified as unconstitutional (applause)” End 06:04:49 Texas Congressman, Hatton W. Sumners, Chairman of House Judiciary Committee SOF opposed to FDR's Court-Packing initiative w/ Capitol behind. Considered a Constitutional Law expert, Sumners, a Democrat, broke w/ FDR. He extols sanctity of the Constitution & explains the legal process for amending it. He notes the proposal (to increase the number of Justices) comes directly from the Executive Branch aka the President; deplores the action to "place on the Supreme Court, six young wreckers." He stops, then resumes saying "the purpose of the Supreme Court Bill is, to change the Constitution" & explains it as unconstitutional. Explains, proper procedures for amending it & while the bill's advocates are likely sincere & conscientious, "they are raiders off the reservation, raiding the reserve domain of the people...they are not playing the American game of Constitutional Democracy." Depression; Governmental Fight; 1930s; Government Programs; NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: