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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221720-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1935,1934
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 00:57:34
TC Ends: 01:07:39
Duration: 00:10:05
Titles R1 of 3 00:58:02 Large empty brick factory buildings, windows missing, for sale sign. Men receiving sandwiches on sidewalk. High angle, crowd of men filling Unon Square; MS man on speakers stand; men outside Claremont Employment Agency looking at job notices. Geneva Employment Agencies sign; men on sidewalk at signs. Men sitting utside brick office building. Men sleeping on grass in park. Man on soapbox talking to group of men. Policemen putting men into police van (Washington DC Bonus Army Marchers (?). 00:58:56 President Roosevelt at podium during Inauguration speech. Seated at desk speaking. MOS 00:59:21 Men sleeping on grass. CU Congressional bill for CCC agency; headline re passing House, to go to Senate. Headlines for Reforestation Plan. 00:59:44 CU Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes at desk speaking on telephone MOS. 00:59:48 Men lined up outside US Armory to join Civilian Conservation Corps, boarding trucks, soldiers serving coffee & sandwiches. 01:00:32 Ickes at map pointing out sites. Volunteers leaving in buses, waving. Arriving by train, buses to tent city. Men off train, receiving papers; marched to large tent, paperwork, questions. Reciving mess kit. Medical inspection; waiting. MCU standing by tent. Outside discharge office w/ suitcases. Swearing in. 01:02:35 Mess call & walking to barracks, eating at communal tables from tin mess kits. Army officer giving out bedding; measuring feet. Marching, entering building, clothes issued. Leave w/ filled dufflebags. Make beds. MCU man in hat in front of tent; others pose smiling, some take off hats. GOOD. 01:04:34 Marching w/ shovels; digging, raking, wheeling dirt. 01:04:53 Beside passenger train, waving. Passenger train across dry desert, POV of passing countryside; boys / men off train, march to trucks. Trucks in convoy thru town. 01:05:28 HA of camp of tents w/ CCC members constructing wooden barracks. LS tent camp; barracks; workers away in back of truck. Tents beneath rocks of ?? Men deliver stove & table. Working at Yellowstone by falls. Old Faithful Geyser erupting. 01:07:16 FDR arriving in motorcade, past lined up CCC members. FDR talking from chair MOS. Depression; Economics; 1930s; 1934; 1935; USA Western History; Americana; CCC; New Deal; NOTE: Sound not usable.