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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220933-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1932
Country: USA
Location: Boston,GA,IL,KS,MA,New York City,NJ,Seattle,Springfield,topeka,WA,warm springs
TC Begins: 01:07:55
TC Ends: 01:13:07
Duration: 00:05:12
FDR Campaigning Roosevelt aboard train on campaign tour w/ Coughlin?. FDR at Topeka, Kansas, speech to farmers on New Deal proposals. Crowds surround train on arrival in Seattle. Motorcade through streets, ticker-tape. Train crosses bridge by night. 01:09:22: Train pulls into Springfield, Illinois. AVs crowds around FDR, Georgia. 01:10:01: LS FDR speech, Georgia. FDR w/ family at winter home in Warm Springs, GA. FDR listening to string band. 01:11:40: VS FDR speech to NJ Democratic convention. 01:12:06: Crowds cheering FDR arrival at convention in Boston. 01:12:28: Alfred Smith arrives at polling station in NYC. FDR waiting for results. Crowds cheering FDR victory. Abrupt end. 1932 Presidential Campaigning;