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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220855-07-P1
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 18:30:09
TC Ends: 18:34:10
Duration: 00:04:01
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pre-WWII - 1941, President Roosevelt: Radio Address to Pan-American Union, Unlimited National Emergency. 27May41 Pt. 1 of 2, Card 1 of 2. High angle / HA FDR in white dinner jacket at desk w/ radio networks microphones. “My fellow Americans of all the Americas...I am speaking tonight from the White House in the presence of the Governing Board of the Pan American Union, the Canadian Minister, and their families...(edit) Our future independence is bound up w/ the future independence of all of our sister Republics... (edit) .cold hard facts. The first & fundamental fact is that what started as a European war has developed, as the Nazis always intended it should develop, into a war for world domination. 18:31:19 Adolf Hitler never considered the domination of Europe as an end in itself. European conquest was but a step toward ultimate goals in all the other continents. It is unmistakably apparent to all of us that, unless the advance of Hitlerism is forcibly checked now, the Western Hemisphere will be within range of the Nazi weapons of destruction. (edit) ...our own security & for the kind of safe & civilized world in which we wish to live. Every dollar of material that we send helps to keep the dictators away from our own hemisphere, & every day that they are held off gives us time to build more guns & tanks & planes & ships. (edit) will not fail—it will increase. With greatly augmented strength, the United States & the other American Republics now chart their course in the situation of today. Your Government knows what terms Hitler, if victorious, would impose. They are, indeed, the only terms on which he would accept a so-called "negotiated" peace. And, under those terms, Germany would literally parcel out the world - hoisting the swastika itself over vast territories and populations, & setting up puppet governments of its own choosing, wholly subject to the will & the policy of a conqueror. 18:33:10 No, I am not speculating about all this. I merely repeat what is already in the Nazi book of world conquest. They plan to treat the Latin American Nations as they are now treating the Balkans. They plan then to strangle the United States of America & the Dominion of Canada. The American laborer would have to compete w/ slave labor in the rest of the world. Minimum wages, maximum hours? Nonsense! Wages & hours would be fixed by Hitler. The dignity & power & standard of living of the American worker & farmer would be gone. Trade unions would become historical relics, & collective bargaining a joke. (edit) Part 1 (1st half of speech) continued on card 2 of 2... Pre-WWII build up; Pre-WW2 Presidential speech; Fireside Chat (?); Monroe Doctrine; Defense; NOTE: Content is what is actually on this film. NOTE: This is first part of first half of speech 18:30:09 - 18:38:48 on two cards & sold at per reel. Second half on 220855-09 (18:50:32 - 18:58:44), two cards, sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: