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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221069-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1939
Country: Canada,England,Mexico,Poland,Spain,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Boston,DC,London,MA,MALAGA,New York City,NJ,Ottawa,Warsaw,Washington
TC Begins: 16:07:10
TC Ends: 16:12:55
Duration: 00:05:45
WWII - 1939, USA: US Proclaims Neutrality And Arms Embargo VS President Roosevelt behind desk at White House surrounded by reporters Si. US Sec of State Cordell Hull behind desk, assistant son of Roosevelt ? uses large machine to emboss official neutrality document & passes to Hull - Sd. - “the President by proclamation enjoins all nationals of the United States, and all persons residing or being within its territory of protection to observe its laws and commit no act contrary to the said statute or treaties...” HA shot stock exchange Si. from here. VS armaments taken off ship ? 16:08:38 SS President Roosevelt in dock - painted w/ US flags to avoid attacks. Speedboat races through harbour. 16:09:09 Two-stack liner SS Batory arrives in New York harbor - Germans on deck. 16:09:32 Queen Mary in dock - being camouflaged - stack being painted. 16:09:55 Nazi tanker Pauline Friederich arrives in Boston - swastika flag flying. 16:10:14 Warsaw: Biddle presents Polish President Moscicki w/ American flag; troops march in square & wreath laid. 16:10:54 London: good shots children evacuees (some smiling) w/ belongings, gas masks etc. taken by parents to railway station Waterloo ? for evacuation to country - parents waving, children wave back from train carriage. 16:11:21 Ottawa: VS Canadian men enlisting to fight w/ Britain - collecting uniforms & stand to attention in civilian dress. 16:11:51 Mexico: students hail President Cardenas - military / cadet parade. 16:12:12 Malaga, New Jersey: VS outdoor bootleg liquor plant raided - bootleggers run away as car pulls up - agents attach dynamite to vats & stills, blow them up. WW2; War Announcement; FDR;