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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220468-70
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Brooklyn Navy Yard,Central Park, New York City,Hudson river,New Jersey,NYC
TC Begins: 02:21:19
TC Ends: 02:27:20
Duration: 00:06:01
Post-WWII - 1945, USA: Navy Day - President Truman Leads the Nation In Tribute To Our Victorious Fleet. 27Oct45 Main title: Movietone News (w/ military montage behind eagle) 02:21:36 Intertitle: Navy Day - President Truman Leads the Nation In Tribute To Our Victorious Fleet 02:21:46 Carrier Franklin D. Roosevelt, CU name. Truman arrival at Brooklyn Navy Yard w/ Sec. of Navy Forrestal w/ Mrs. Truman, Mrs. Woodrow Wilson & Eleanor Roosevelt. 02:22:08 SOF Captain Apollo Soucek gives order to place ship in commission. Truman speaks (SOF) to crowd. 02:22:41 High Angle / HA Military parade up Lower Broadway & 5th Ave. w/ Truman in car. Much ticker-tape. Truman speaks (SOF) in Central Park: “The foreign policy of the United States is based firmly on fundamental principles of righteousness & justice. We believe in the eventual return of sovereign rights & self-government to all peoples who have been deprived of them by force. We shall approve no territorial changes in any friendly part of the world unless they accord w/ the freely expressed wishes of the people concerned. We shall refuse to recognize any government, imposed upon any nation, by the force of any foreign power. In some cases it may be impossible to prevent forceful imposition of such a government but the United States will not recognize any such government.” Re atomic bomb: “We must find the answers to the problems created by the release of atomic energy; the possession in our hands of this new power of destruction we regard as a sacred trust. Because of our love of Peace the thoughtful people of the world know that that trust will not be violated, that it will be faithfully executed. Indeed the highest hope of the American people is that world co-operation for peace will soon reach such a state of perfection that atomic methods of destruction can be definitely, & effectively, outlawed forever.” 02:25:01 Naval review & gun salutes on Hudson River. Truman boards Battleship Missouri, inspects plaque of signing of Japanese surrender. Truman signs visitor’s book & reviews crew. 02;25:47 MCU climbing ladder onto destroyer. Good aerial view of battleship. Truman on bridge of destroyer w/ Mrs Truman. Ship’s 21-gun salute. Navy planes fly overhead. LS harbor w/ battleships. Battleship New York. Aircraft carrier Enterprise. Renshaw. Carrier Midway. CU Truman waves hat. Macon. LS & aerials from blimp of Hudson River w/ 47 ships of fleet lined up & NYC skyline. Post-WW2; Naval Victory Celebration; Ceremony; Ticker-tape Parade; Home Front; Speech;