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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220448-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Brazil,Germany,Japan,Malaya,USA
Location: Fort Getty, Jamestown, Rhode Island,New York City,Rio De Janeiro,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 15:06:16
TC Ends: 15:16:20
Duration: 00:10:04
Post-WWII - Carrier Roosevelt; German POWs; Cathedral Repair; Brazil Military Coup; Attlee; Japan; Malay Intertitle: US Carrier Roosevelt Leaves Navy Yard. Top shot Air Craft Carrier Monterey under Brooklyn bridge and up Hudson River, New York skyscrapers in background. Top shots ACC Franklin D Roosevelt under bridge. 15:07:39 Title: US Army School Retrains Former German Soldiers. Classroom at Fort Getty. German soldiers taught democracy before their return to Germany. Colonel T.V. Smith teaching class. German w/ book The History of the United States. Students read various books, taught English. Graduation ceremony, certificate from United States War Department. Students receive diplomas, all have P.W. painted on backs of shirts. 15:08:42 Title: Workmen Repair Famous New York Cathedral. Scaffolding rising to very top of NYC St. Patrick Cathedral spire. Top shots cathedral - stone workers working on spire. Shot over scaffold showing how high up the workmen are. 15:09:38 Title: President Vargas of Brazil Resigns Following Military Coup - October 1945. Public buildings guarded by military in Rio de Janeiro, tanks on streets. Presidential Palace guarded by troops lying on ground w/ guns. Vargas on balcony of palace. Crowds waiting arrival of Chief Justice, Jose Linhares, who automatically becomes acting President. Interiors as military officers & former war minister Eurico Gaspar Dutra watch Linhares sworn in. 15:10:50 Title: Prime Minister Attlee Addresses US Congress. Clement Attlee gets standing ovation from Congress, makes speech praising America & says she will never use her power for selfish aims or territorial gain. Talks of Atomic bomb need for all men to feel secure. President Truman w Attlee & Mackenzie King. Talks have been about atomic energy being used for industrial and humanitarian purposes. 15:13:09 Title: Neighbors Build Home for War Hero. House under construction. Private Jean Atkins is presented w/ deeds to farm by Secretary of Agriculture Anderson. Farm bought by neighbors after learning of his heroism in the Philippines. Atkins & wife enter partially built farmhouse. Plaque commemorating presentation. Buffet served at ceremony. 15:14:07 Title: News Events from Inside Defeated Japan. Omori Prisoner of War Camp, US guards. Japanese War criminals - secret police chief & Colonel Hashimoto. General Koroda & Gen. Hama. First pix of Hideki Tojo who since suicide attempt is shunned by other prisoners. 15:??:?? US army troops dig for buried treasure; uncover trap door & find stash of silver ingots. Japanese show troops another load of ingots hidden in barn. Japanese tanks demolished as part of disarmament of Japan, explosions. 15:15:43 Malaya - Japanese officers surrender swords to British - running at double time. Japanese prisoners march past British on review stand. Post-WII; Post-WW2; War Crimes Trials; Special Relationship; Diplomats; NOTE: All or part sold at per reel rate.