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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220584-18
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1939
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC,White House
TC Begins: 09:18:47
TC Ends: 09:19:33
Duration: 00:00:46
World Wide News Events - War Ends in Spain / New Italian Envoy sees FDR 09:18:47 Washington DC. Don Fernando de los Rios, Loyalist Ambassador to the US is a man without a country as he leaves the White House after conferring with President Roosevelt(FDR) . Arrives by car and enters Poses for camera - press photographers. 09:19:14 Prince Ascanio Colonna, new Ambassador from Italy visits the White House to present credentials. Close ups as Ambassador poses with another unid. man outside White House.