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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221097-56
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1936
Country: Spain
TC Begins: 10:54:48
TC Ends: 10:56:41
Duration: 00:01:53
Early Spanish Civil War Scenes Pan along line of troops w/ bayonet rifles outside prison. INT soldiers on guard - view through bars across window to valley below - bridge across river. Prisoners yard - troops chatting - personal possessions inc. ladies’ handbags laid out in line on ground. Street scene w/ queue of women & children. Countryside - heavy gun firing. Destruction in city - ruined buildings - man crouches in debris of street cafe, trying to tune in radio ? - troops relax behind makeshift brick wall, rifles lodged in cracks. Brief shot body w/ missing head / limbs. More destruction. Nationalist troops march past civilians giving fascist salute. Brief MS Franco. Falangists. Fascism. Revolution. Spain 1930s; ca 1936;