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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221555-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1957
Country: Spain
Location: Asturias
TC Begins: 02:20:28
TC Ends: 02:24:29
Duration: 00:04:01
1957 - Spain: Franco visits Asturias steel mill & dam; dedicated housing for fishermen, ca Sep57 Interio of mill w/ Franco & VIPs walking, looking. Steel milling process. LS of steel mill. Receiving line. Docks & cranes; Franco viewing. Large piles of coal & ore. Slag into rail hopper cars. 02:21:46 Dam. Franco walking. Reservoir. Touring dam interior. Catholic Priest blessing steel works & man lighting furnace. Sign: Ensidesa Horno Alto No. 1 Carmen 24Sep57. 02:22:31 Crowd w/ man explaining to woman as Franco listens. Woman & Franco seated on dias as man speaking (MOS). Franco standing & speaking (MOS). 02:22:54 Large crowd watches Franco & VIPs leaving, applauding. 02:23:04 Stone cross w/ Mary on top of monument column. Crowd outside new multi-story housing watching Franco & VIPs arriving in white uniforms. Naval band. 02:23:23 Franco, MCU. other VIPs. At microphone in garden as fishermen watching. Franco speaks (MOS), gives out cards or ??. Crowd applauding. Exchange Fascist salutes. Dictators; Ceremonies; 1950s; Spain; 1957; Socialism;