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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220726-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1990
Country: USA
Location: Capitol,DC,Washington
TC Begins: 07:00:08
TC Ends: 07:12:47
Duration: 00:12:39
President Bush’s State of the Union Address (31Jan1990) - Part 1 of 3 (entire speech) Barbara Bush enters. George Bush enters to applause. Introduced by Speaker of the HouseTom Foley. 07:04:10 “..Panama is free...” & Operation Just Cause: troops to return before end February, 1990; 07:05:20 Poland, Walesa and Solidarity in government; Vaclav Havel President of Czechoslovakia; Fall of Berlin Wall. 07:06:37 Victory of cause of freedom & the idea of America. 07:09:20 Strong economy; made in USA is symbol of quality & progress. Mainstream includes all of our disabled citizens. 07:10:20 Every child is drug free. Mentions hostages as ceaselessly on our minds. Extend our horizons. Invest in America; American productivity; Family Savings Plan; Speeches; US Government; Platitudes;