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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221071-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1967
Country: USA
Location: Austin,DC,Texas,Washington
TC Begins: 01:31:32
TC Ends: 01:40:59
Duration: 00:09:27
The President: June 1967 Part 1 of 3 Arrival of PM Harold Wilson at White House in motorcade 02Jun67 - ‘Rule Britannia’ on soundtrack - Black sailor holding Union Jack. LBJ & Wilson into White House - shots of meeting re Middle East problem w/ LBJ speech heard “peace and justice are again in the balance...council of an old and trusted friend is most welcome” - VO re Maritime declaration to challenge Egyptian blockade of Strait of Tehran. CU newspaper headlines inc. ‘Arabs, Israelis Lunge Into War’ & ‘US Asks Cease Fire’. 01:33:49 CU teletype message coming through re start of Middle East War, 05Jun67. LBJ, MacNamara & others in WH Situation Room after news came in of fighting - 4am - LBJ looking tired & worried, map of Middle East on wall behind - crisis meeting MOS. fVO re exchange of teletype messages between Kosygin & LBJ. EXT White House, LBJ sends off MacNamara & Rusk to brief Senate & House leaders - LBJ back into WH. 01:35:31 INT Oval Office, LBJ monitoring events in Middle East: CU television showing proceedings of UN Security Council meeting - U Thant, Gideon Rafael & others seen; LBJ watching television & crouching in front of teletype machine as messages come through. 01:36:25 Crisis meeting in WH Cabinet Room - special committee of National Security Council established by LBJ w/ George Bundy as Executive Secretary MOS. 01:37:10 Good shots of demonstrations held outside White House - Arab men chanting “No more Israel!” & “Palestine is Ours!” - waving banners inc. ‘Palestine is Arab’ & ‘Aquaba is Arab’ - Israeli flags - Syrian or United Arab Republic - UAR? flag - banner w/ President Nasser of Egypt. People listening to transistor radio on sidewalk - Egypt joining US & USSR in agreement to ceasefire MOS. Israelis dancing & singing in Hebrew - American Jews - peace banner inc. ‘You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy the Gulf of ?’ CU boy wearing badges ‘To Hell With Nasser’ & ‘To Hell Mit The Arabs’. Israeli flag used to collect money - banner in BG ‘End Arab Possession’. 01:38:58 LBJ’s 102nd press conference outside WH, 10Jun67 after Syria agreed to ceasefire. PoV from aircraft - LBJ off Presidential plane at Austin, Texas, greeted by Congressman Jake Pickle. LBJ greeting crowds, shaking hands, picks up toddler. LBJ in white tuxedo attends Southwest Democratic Dinner w/ pregnant daughter Luci & husband. LBJ dinner speech heard in VO “After three weeks of wrestling with the Middle East, it’s a real pleasure to come home tonight to the peace and quiet of Texas politics...I am for peace, territorial integrity, political independence and the unrestricted navigation in the Houston ship channel”. 1960s. US Domestic & Foreign Policy. “special relationship (US/UK); Racism. Religious Conflict / Strife. 6 Day war