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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220631-01
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944-1945
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Nagasaki,Pacific,Utah
TC Begins: 06:00:00
TC Ends: 07:12:51
Duration: 01:12:51
Atomic Bomb Related Material 4-18th April and 15th Jun 1944 Nuclear and Atomic Reel 1 + 2 (approx 24 min total) are scenes from Wendover, UT; loading FAT MAN (Nagasaki bomb) Loaded onto trailer and covered with tarpaulin - lowered by crane into pit. B-29 ready to taxi over. Inert ballistic shapes, "pumpkins" ; Take offs and landings, also POV aerial and ground views of pumpkin drops. Explosion at 06:09:58 There is one ground shot of a LITTLE BOY (Hiroshima bomb) ballistic shape falling. This is the skinny one. 06:15:49 There is also a shot of crewmen pulling the prop through on one of the engines. This was done to get oil into the cylinders prior to engine start. Crew brief and equipment check in front of A/C. All B-29s shown are the specially modified "Silver Plate" aircraft used by the 509th. 06:17:06 18/4 CU propeller turning take off and landings including POV - AV over target area. CU engine as landing. Ground crew pulling prop. Crew and equipment checked. 06:24:58 Reel 3 (approx 13 min) This selection is from the Marianas and shows actual Hiroshima bomb, LITTLE BOY (it's painted black) being moved out from storage area and loaded aboard Enola Gay B-29. 06:31:57 Night Crew lined up in front of Aircraft. Pilot Paul Tibbets waves from cockpit (b&w) 06:36:28 Enola Gay B-29 returns from Hiroshima strike, crew receive decorations. 06:38:26 Reel 4 (approx 10 min.) is actual FAT MAN (Nagasaki bomb) being moved from storage and loaded aboard "Bock's Car" B-29. Ground crew painting bomb. General writing on bomb To Hirohito with love T.F. Farrell. Other men writing on bomb. Bomb loaded onto trailer and covered with tarpaulin. lowered into pit. B-29 taxis over and bomb loaded 06:48.43 Reel 5 (approx 21 min) is footage of 509th area on Tinian, 509th pose for photos. Repeated scenes and additional angles of loading LITTLE BOY and FAT MAN bombs 06:50:34 Little Boy loaded - seen in pit with open bomb bay doors above. Enola Gay into position - MPs guarding. Night Crew outside plane - "Enola Gay" on nose of Tibbet's B-29 (this was only done a few hours before take off. Aircraft was named after his mother). Tibbets waving from window (B/W) 06:57:00 Enola Gay returning from mission - additional views of Tibbets receiving DFC from Gen Carl Spaatz. Crowds round plane and posing for pix. 07:01:25 Fat Boy out of shed. - painting and loading as before. 07:09:38 The B-29 aerial shot is Bock's Car returning from Nagasaki strike. 07:10:12 Reel 6 (approx 3 min) is all Nagasaki strike footage. Mushroom cloud (colour).