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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221441-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968
Country: North Vietnam
TC Begins: 07:00:01
TC Ends: 07:16:30
Duration: 00:16:29
North Vietnamese Interviewer w/ Captured Pilots Discussing Their Experiences in Captivity R2 Pt. 1 of 2 Pilot in MCU giving description to North Vietnamese English speaker of his being shot down by what he figures was an air to air missile, & then ejecting. Parachutes descending seen from ground. MCU Col. Ryerson (sp?) speaking. 07:02:44 MCU running Vietnamese; several women w/ airman captured; resting & giving him cigarette. 07:03:29 Airman talking about being given first aid treatment by villagers. Another airman talks. 07:04:39 Title: Code of Conduct. Article 2 w/ vo of requirement to continue fighting. Airman tells interviewer he didn’t want to begin a land war w/ 17 million people. He argues that he would have been dead. Pilots given back their pistols; others argue that it wouldn’t have made sense to fight back. “I’m not that war-like”. 07:07:35 Interviewer: “...but you carried bombs & rockets into this country; did you at least think for a moment about the Code of Conduct when you surrendered to a Vietnamese woman?” CU holding pistol. 07:08:05 Narrator: “The return of their personal weapon was embarrassing for them, for not one of them had carried out his order & used the revolver as a means of resistance.” CU hand holding bar of gold & leaflet promising a bar of gold to each who helped a prisoner escape, promised by American governor in Saigon. 07:08:50 Vietnamese boys running gathering leaflets. 07:09:01 American pilots, POWs, walked under guard thu street; some blindfolded, put in truck. POV thru streets. 07:09:48 US Airman shows another means of bribery, lightweight cloth American flag w/ printing in all the SE Asian languages where they might be captured saying I am an American citizen...please take me to someone who will provide for my safety... Pilot explains why he didn’t use it - they were all enemy. 07:11:42 Major Thorquest (?) “ did a high ranking officer feel...” He says one accepts the reality & his treatment was up to his captors.” He is asked if he actually can claim the right of a prisoner of war; told that some would claim the Americans are pirates; US airman agrees that it could be seen that way. He is then asked what is his opinion of his treatment. He says he’s been treated very well, to his surprise. Says he can’t really understand why except for the generosity of the Vietnamese people. 07:15:43 “Lt. you are experiencing in practice and example of Socialist Humanity; the President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, has stated that the people here are capable of differentiating between real criminals & background who hold decisive positions of government...” Prisoners of War; Vietnam War; Psychological Propaganda; 1960s;