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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250018-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1967-1974
Country: Vietnam
TC Begins: 10:10:51
TC Ends: 10:36:58
Duration: 00:26:07
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Captured Viet Cong Footage 10:10:51 MCUs winding motion picture film around frame, placing film in developing solution, viewing film over light table /editing & making special effects title shots. 10:12:18 Viet Cong on trail carrying large sacks of rice, thru jungle; wading irrigation ditch and riding skiffs through rice paddy. Walking thru water. 10:13:30 VCs riding & pushing bicycles on trail. POV thru shadowy jungle. Riding on outboard canoe. 10:14:19 VCs making rifles, crossbows and other weapons. Sawing logs. 10:14:46 Black slug. 10:15:01 VCs fire crossbows at target. VCs make boobytraps w/ spears & pointed sticks, implanting spears in deep pits, hang logs w/ spikes from trees, platforms w/ spikes suspended. Digging pits, excavating road 10:20:22 VCs cooking rice, wrapping rice in cloth for distribution, and VC eating rice. 10:21:15 VCs making sandals (Ho Chi Minh slippers) from tire treads and leather thongs. 10:21:58 VCs at briefing. 10:22:21 VCs firing mortar, rifles, and machine guns. Plane passing overhead. 10:23:13 VC leaders looking at map and briefing their troops. 10:24:18 VCs fire rifles during ambush. 10:24:39) VCs entering holes in ground, emerging w/ camouflage, charging across field and taking prisoners. 10:26:00 Black slug. 10:26:14 VCs firing rifles & machine guns at unidentified aircraft. VCs charging across field firing weapons. Debris of aircraft burning in jungle. 10:28:06 VCs firing weapons during ambush, taking weapons from the dead. Planes overhead. Structures (maybe VC camp) burning after attack. 10:29:15 VCs w/ camouflage crossing rice paddy & irrigation ditch. Women carrying goods in jungle. 10:29:37 Viet Cong flag. VCs tearing down fences & fortifications of overrun hamlet; smash lookout tower. 10:30:23 VC digging & removing fuse from unexploded bomb; carry bomb, then open bomb casing w/ hacksaw. 10:31:00 VC bandaging arm of wounded man; surgery tools, surgeon removing his gown and mask. 10:31:21 VC w/ prisoners walk thru jungle; across hillside. VCs on trail, entering friendly village, eating, singing & dancing. VCs relaxing at rest camp in hammocks, write letters. 10:34:44 Groups of US / American prisoners eating. 10:35:22 Plane overhead; VCs in dugout canoes w/ machine guns, mortar & radios. Past floating, covered skiffs. 10:36:58 Vietnam War; 1967 - 1974; 1960s; 1970s; Viet Cong Daily Life; North Vietnamese; Booby Traps; NOTE: Footage quite contrasty. NOTE: Any continuous 13 minutes sold at per reel rate (This is from 3 reels at NARA). NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: