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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250071-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1953
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 20:12:33
TC Ends: 20:14:11
Duration: 00:01:38
1953 - Cold War: Sec. Dulles Outlines U.S. Policy, Jan53 20:12:38 Dulles sitting looking at globe, CU, turns & looks to camera. 20:12:50 Seated at desk behind microphones (SOF): “The first thing I want to make clear is that I consider my job is to work for the people of the United States. I’m part of your government. You have hired me; and you pay me. And I think you are entitled to have me do the best that I can for you. That is going to be the spirit in which we approach our foreign problems. And that is going to be the spirit of the entire State Department & of all our ambassadors. You needn’t be afraid that any of us are working against you & for others. So far as your government is concerned you can be sure of two things: first, it will never start a war; but the second thing you can be sure of is that it will never be intimidated, subverted or conquered . 20:13:44 Our nation must stand as a solid rock in a storm tossed world. To all of those who are suffering under Communist slavery, to the timid & the intimidated, let us say this: you can count upon us. Together w/ the other free people of the work, I am confident, peacefully achieve honorable peace.” President Eisenhower Cabinet; Cold War; Reassurance; Anti-Communism; Propaganda;