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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250070-51
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1954
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 19:16:55
TC Ends: 19:23:47
Duration: 00:06:52
1954 - President Eisenhower: Dulles Reporting Agreement Allowing Germany Into NATO. 25Oct54 ?? at desk talking, men listening, one w/ eye patch. John Foster Dulles beside Presidential Eisenhower around cabinet table. Henry Cabot Lodge & Charles Wilson visible; laughing. 19:17:16 CU Ike; Oveta Culp Hobby (1 second); Henry Cabot Lodge; 19:17:38 Ike (SOF): I asked you to come this evening so we could immediately hear a first hand report from the Secretary of State regarding the negotiations which have just been going on in Europe & the outcome of those negotiations. I think it is extremely important that all of us have a clear understanding of what was accomplished & the circumstances under which is was done & what it will probably mean. Having determined upon this when the request was made to me that we open this meeting to the television companies, the radio companies & the newsreels, it suddenly occurred to me that for tonight there is one subject, a very special one, by which to talk, and one in which the American people - all of them - w/o regard to race, or party, or creed, or color or any other thing will want to hear.” 19:18:31 Dulles (SOF): if we can get this agreement thru. Now Mr. President you’ve said many times that we had to be, you wanted to see us play the part of a good partner; and I - of course a good partnership is a two-sided affair - but I think that was has happened during these last few weeks has demonstrated that there is a basis for good partnership on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. I want to say one other thing Mr. President, as we met there in these gatherings, there was a sense of your spirit being there. Everybody knows that you have understood, as few have, the need for western European unity; that you have made an immense contribution to it. 19:19:17 LS of cabinet table & members of cabinet. MS Oveta Culp Hobby w/ tv camera behind (SOF): areas of Europe for a long time, almost a hundred years,. Well Mrs Hobby it can see from the way it was solved...directly from France & Germany but didn’t really concern the rest of us. The French had taken the position that they wouldn’t sign any of these other agreements unless the Saar problem was solved. And it dragged on & on...then on Friday night Chancellor Adenauer & Mr. Mendes-France went into a session & they started at 10 o’clock until 3am & then...went back again...and we didn’t know when we went to...whether there would be an agreement to sign or not... 19:21:20 Cabinet members standing... 19:21:24 Pan over room: Ike, Wilson, Benson , Lodge, others (Dulles speaking). 19:21:47 Ike entering followed by Dulles, Cabinet members standing. All sit. Ike begins... Si. of MS of cabinet members including Hobby. 19:22:30 Dulles (SOF): Well I would say that I feel pretty confident that the Soviet Union didn’t like what was going on, but that’s the understatement of the day. What the communist want is an Europe that is weak & divided, & they are going to try to get that; but I don’t think that they are going to succeed. This program we worked out in fact is going to protect Russia as much as it protects anybody else against a possible resurgence of German militarism. And behind this program is a sense of urgency & momentum so that I don’t believe the Soviet Union will be able to break it up. When we create, & I hope we will, a position of solidity & strength for Western Europe then there may be a new basis for discussion which doesn’t exist at the present time. 19:23:18 Ike (SOF): Well Foster I feel like we almost ought to give you a standing ovation...” Cold War Diplomacy; EDC & United Kingdom; Western European Union; Diplomatic Mission; Paris Conference; End of Occupation of Germany; Politics; Diplomats;