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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220539-28
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950s,1954
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Washington, DC,White House
TC Begins: 12:13:59
TC Ends: 12:16:40
Duration: 00:02:41
1954 - USA, President Eisenhower: Churchill Leaving, 29Jun54; Ike & Mamie on Lawn. Top Shot, Eisenhower & Churchill walking past photographers & others outside White House to official car as Churchill is leaving. Intercut LS of US flag on top. Car leaving w/ golf putting green in background. 04:14:54 MCU of still photographers w/ Graflex cameras. 04;15:04 LS Ike & Mamie walk toward camera w/ wing of White House in background; sit on ornate iron bench, MS. Pose & have picture taken. CUs camermen & Presidential couple laughing, Mamie w/ fan. 04:16:18 Couple returns to White House. 1950s; Diplomacy; Cold War; NOTE: Ike & Churchill met at White House 25-29Jun54.