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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221693-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1960
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 20:16:22
TC Ends: 20:25:55
Duration: 00:09:33
1960 - Pentagon Visits; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Agena Satellite; Robert McNamara Nose of Eisenhower Presidential airplane Columbine III (Lockheed VC-121E) used from 1954 - 1961, tilt down to crew lined up on tarmac, pan w/ MCU of individuals. CU Presidential medal. CU held on uniform. Presentations, 27Jul60 (?). CU nose art. 20:18:16 15Aug60 German General Speidal, talking to Sec Defense Gates in Pentagon, shaking hands. CUs. 20:18:41 ??60 CU sign: Joint Chiefs of Staff Conference Room. Sec. of Defense Gates, Gen Twining & others walk down hallway, enter room & door closes. Gates, Twining & Lemnitzer pose shake hands; enter room & sit w/ other military VIPs. MCUs. 20:19:50 Gates greeting Sec of Defense Alejo S. Santos of Philippines, laugh, talk, shake hands. CUs. 20:20:14 22Aug60 Pres. Eisenhower into room w/ Gates & others, shown Discoverer XIII Agena Satellite, flag removed & given to Ike. Ike makes remarks MOS. 20:21:49 CU Seal of President of the United States. CU lifting off top of satellite. Lt. Gen Bernard Schriever explaining satellite to ??. Others present are Sec. of AF Dudley Sharp, Under-Sec Joseph Charyk, Gen. White, Gen. Curtis LeMay, Maj. Gen O.J. Ritland, Brig Gen. Robert Greet, Maj. Gen Victor Faugen, Dr. T. Keith Glennan of NASA. 20:22:26 04Oct60 Men enter & take places around table: Sec. Sharpe, Gen. White, Sec of Army Wilbur Brucker, Gen. George Decker, Sec Gates, Dept. Sec of Defense James H. Douglas, Sec of Navy William Franke, Admiral Arleigh Burke, Gen. Lemnitzer & Gen. Shoupe. 20:24:07 ??60 Paul H. Spaak, Belgium, shaking hands w/ Sec. Gates & sitting together in office. CUs. 20:24:51 20Dec60 ??, Gates, Douglas w/ new Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara into room. Sit & pose together. CUs. Cold War; Department of Defense; 1960; Corona Project; Missile Development; Spy Satellites; NOTE 1: Gen. Speidel was Rommel’s Chief of Staff; involved in 20Jul44 Hitler assassination plot. Led post-war German army. NOTE 2: Thomas S. Gates, Sec.of Defense 02Dec59 - 20Jan61.