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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220705-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1956
Country: USA
Location: Portland, Oregon
TC Begins: 02:06:20
TC Ends: 02:10:31
Duration: 00:04:11
Eisenhower Campaigns in Portland Beauties with Ike umbrellas. Eisenhower and Mamie off plane and greeted. Crowds cheering. Motorcade - crowds line streets - Ike in open top car. FBI men walking next to car. Ticker-tape - good shot 6 press photographers in preceeding car standing to take shots. Ike into hall - audience stand and applaud. Ike on stage, picture of Nixon behind him. Ike and Mamie out and into car - cheering crowds. 02:09:03 Night - searchlight. Ike and Mamie out of building - police outriders. Interior hall - audience applaud. Ike on podium with others. Ext. searchlights. 1956; Presidential Campigning; Oregon;