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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221388-04
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1972,1960s
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: NYC
TC Begins: 17:36:04
TC Ends: 17:49:47
Duration: 00:13:43
Vietnam! Vietnam! Pt. 4 of 5 Title: Part Two - Vietnam: The Debate 17:36:23 Dr. Benjamin Spock at New York Hilton lectern “...I think it is destroying the good is unwinnable...” Secretary of State Dean Rusk statement about South Vietnamese dead & wounded. 17:37:27 Student asking “ this what honor is all about, and I don’t think it is.” Governor Ronald Reagan press conference. Other statements including wounded veteran. LBJ “we cannot just now...abandon our commitment...” Senator Eugene McCarthy. Reagan again. Sen. Charles Goodell on dead & cost. Sen. Ernest Gruening speaking at rally. 17:40:17 German NASA scientist (?) Kraft Ehricke statement. Sen. William Fulbright statement; wounded soldier says it was worth it for Freedom. Eugene McCarthy says we should accept a fusion government. 17:41:59 Pres. Nguyen Van Thieu in English “..don’t like to have the Communists”. Ehricke statement on what its like to live under a totalitarian government. Ernest Gross before Congressional committee. Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper rebuttal. Eugene Rostow about bombing halts. LBJ: “I have now ordered that all...bombardment of North Vietnam cease as of 8 am Washington time, Friday morning. 17:44:13 Ex-President Eisenhower: “If you are going to fight a war I believe in winning it...get everything you can, as fast as you can, use everything you can and and get it over with.” Sam Brown (organizer of Moratorium to End The War in Vietnam): “I think the anti-war sentiments will continue to grow.” Reagan statement. Woman against the anti-war demonstrations. Sam Brown statement about working against the war. 17:45:45 Color Soldier talking about people not knowing about situation in Vietnam. Pres. Van Thieu. 17:46:14 Anti-war demonstration. Gov. Nelson Rockefeller: “can you imagine a protester in Hanoi, how far he’d get if he wanted to protest...” Anti-war demonstrator asked if any action had been taken for burning his draft car. Sen. John Tower speaks. Anti-war march in Central Park; march in Washington. Hungarian, w/ reporters clustered around, yells against demonstrators in Saigon: “ be shot is too good for you.” 17:49:33 US anti-war demonstrators or hippies beside car painted w/ anti-war slogans. Religion; 1960s; Pro-American Vietnam War Propaganda; Captured;