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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221388-03
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1972,1960s
Country: USA,Vietnam
TC Begins: 17:20:49
TC Ends: 17:36:16
Duration: 00:15:27
Vietnam! Vietnam! Pt. 3 of 5 B/W JFK speaking: “On the occasion of your New Year’s celebration, my fellow Americans & I extend our very best wishes for the prosperity & well-being of the government & the people of Vietnam. In your struggle against aggressive forces of Communism the sacrifices that you have willingly destroy those...” 17:21:34 Color US advisors & South Vietnamese troops & troops from various nations. Helicopters air to air; in clsoe overhead in long line. Troops w/ guns evacuating villagers before battle. Old & young & women. into helicopters. Taking off. 17:23:30 Troops moving thru brush, American advisor & asian troops; moving forward, fighting & moving up past camera in MCU. Prisoners of North Vietnamese shown; treating wounds. Troops thru jungle carry wounded on stretcher. Firing into cave. Dead on ground. Wounded & captured brought out. Tying hands. Treating wounded infected eye; feet & leg wounds cleaned. 17:27:18 Women & baby, elderly helped off helicopter. Wounded on stretchers, into ambulances. Body bags. 17:29:06 B/W US dead in caskets / coffins under flags loaded onto military plane. CU families outside church or Embassy in US. Wife Mrs. Sybil Stockdale to camera about asking North Vietnamese to tell if husbands are dead or not. Another wife saying public pressure will be brought to bear on Hanoi; Mrs. Catherine Plowman about talking to Sen. McGovern etc. Starkdale reads letter written to Fullbright, ca 1969. Stockdale statement on going back to Paris to get information. Mrs. Bonnie Singleton. 17:32:29 Lt. Robert F. Frishman in uniform talking about his POW treatment. Reads statement about Lt. Stratton (sp?) treatment. North Vietnam footage of US prisoners being paraded thru street & jeering crowd. Captured Ameican POW beaten by crowd & driven off in truck. Color Anti-war demonstration in Washington w/ flags, signs, placards. CUs. Religion; Horrors of War; 1960s; Pro-American Vietnam War Propaganda; Captured;