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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250113-12
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1961
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 08:44:35
TC Ends: 08:48:22
Duration: 00:03:47
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1961 - President Kennedy: Peace Corps, Kennedy Outlines Global Program, 13Mar61 08:44:3? US workers building concrete block building, MCUs White & Black young people working together. MCU washing up, eating at long tables. 08:45:21 Ext. White House; interior w/ JFK sitting talking to camera: “The Peace Corps is really the idea of the American People. When I talked last fall about the idea of young Americans men & women going abroad to serve, shoulder to shoulder, w/ the citizens of newly emerging countries, a tremendous response went up from the schools & colleges of the United States. 08:45:58 In the last few months more applications for the Peace Corps have come to us than have come for positions in all the rest of the United States government put together. What is remarkable is that there is no salary for the members of the Peace Corps; they will go abroad & live on the same standard as people of the other countries, but they will live w/ them, two or three year devoting part of their lives to peace & strengthening the ties that bind men together all over the globe. 08:46:30 Members of the Peace Corps will work in three different areas: First, as teachers; Secondly as agriculturalists in order to improve agricultural production in countries to which they are accredited; and third they will work on health. For example I would like to see a major world worldwide effort carried on to stamp out malaria. They will be available for this work. 08:46:53 We will send abroad only those volunteers who are capable & well trained, and who will be welcomed by other countries. Our Peace Corps, I want to emphasize, is not designed as a weapon of propaganda, is not designed as a tool in the cold war. It is a genuine effort by the people of the United States, particularly those who are young, to play their part in working for peace, in improving the lives of all mankind. It comes, I think, from a deep historic & revolutionary experience that we have had. 08:47:37 The people of this country are anxious to see a world in peace. Young people in this country are anxious to hold out their hand to people in other worlds. They will learn as much as they will teach, & I hope that it will be possible for them to associate w/ similar programs in other countries; w/ a program that might be developed under the leadership of the United Nations. This is an experiment. I hope it will be successful. I hope that from it will come renewed understanding by people all over the world of a common desire for peace. I hope out of it will come a better life for all mankind.” Speech; International Volunteerism; Idealism; Civilian Diplomacy; Diplomats; Young People; Cold War; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: