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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221749-02-P2
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1963,1960s
Country: Algeria,USA
Location: DC,Kabyle Mountains,Maghreb,New York City,NYC Washington
TC Begins: 10:23:04
TC Ends: 10:42:45
Duration: 00:19:41
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1963 - Color, Algeria Pt. 2 of 2 Kabyle mountain area & aid program growing trees for reforestation. Youth forestry training ; bags of AID flour; men cutting & stacking wood. 10:39:02 View across East River to United Nations building in morning sunlight, western side in afternoon. Ben Bella speaking to General Assembly, SOF in French upon membership in United Nations. MS VO translation. Leaves podium & up aisle to standing ovation (cuts w/ earlier). GOOD 10:40:45 15Oct62 Ben Bella walking w/ President Kennedy on red carpet, reviewing troops outside White House, returning to White House. 10:41:03 JFK at desk speaks to camera ca 03Jul62 SOF: “This moment of national independence for the people of Algeria, the creation of a great new state represents the devoted & courageous work of the Algerian people & their leaders stretching over many years. I congratulate them. I congratulate them as President of the United States, & I congratulate the on behalf of the American people. We too fought for our own independence also & it cost us many years of bloodshed & tears & work & perseverance. But we finally obtained our independence as you have yours, and we have maintained it as you will yours. It is a particular source of satisfaction to me to express these words of greeting to our friends in Algeria because I recall speaking some years ago in the Senate of the United States on behalf of independence for Algeria. And now that great goal has been achieved. We wish you every success in the future; and I want to assure you of our wholehearted desire to work in cooperation w/ you & your leaders on behalf of peace & prosperity & the progress of your people & mine & of all mankind. 03:42:37 The End & end credit. Presidential Statement; Maghreb; Diplomacy; Revolution; Independence; 1960s; Note: Any continuous ten minutes of film, 10:23:04 - 10:42:45, sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: