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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221380-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1963
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 09:50:54
TC Ends: 09:58:42
Duration: 00:07:48
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1963 - President Kennedy: Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Signing, 07Oct63 Senator Dirksen and other to White House for Test Ban Treaty. Car arrives at White House, Senator Dirksen out & past into White House. Sen. John Pastore walks up W.H. steps & past newsreel cameraman. 09:51:36 Car arrives w/ two unid men, greeted by Sen. Fulbright, enter. 09:52:00 Cadillac limousine arrives w/ Senator George Aiken past journalists & in; Mike Mansfield hurries past & photographers & journalists follow in. 09:52:35 Senator Hubert Humphrey up steps. 09:52:48 MS Pastore, Sen. George Smathers, Fulbright, Mansfield, Aiken & Humphrey talking, William C. Foster & Howard Cannon also seen; also John McCloy, Averell Harriman; Dean Rusk Pan to include Sen. Saltonstall. CU Aiken & Dirksen. CU Kutchel & Saltonstall. Other CUs & still photographers. 09:54:05 Vice President LBJ / Johnson shaking hands w/ Senators; JFK shaking hands & mingling; sits at desk w/ many pens. CUs signing & blotting ink. CUs Senators watching. 09:56:34 MS of photographers crowded around taking pictures & filming. 09:56:43 JFK passes out pens to Senators, stands & talks w/ them. 09:57:49 CU of book w/ Presidential signature. 09:58:18 Painting ca 1900 of signing of ?? as men watch. CU Treaty w/ signatures. Diplomacy; Atomic Limitations; NOTE: Moscow signing took place 05Aug63. Senate approved treaty 23Sep63. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: